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  • Writer's pictureAlejandro Bastidas

A Guide to Capturing Your Travel Memories with Lindygo

Luckily for us, travel has become common these days and it doesn't cost an arm and a leg anymore to visit places - at home or overseas. What’s important with all these trips, whether it’s a weekend getaway or a month-long hike in South America, is to capture your vacations accurately. For yourself, and your friends and family back home. 

Enter Lindygo - a travel app to capture your trip, from start to finish: 

Travel planning: collect cafés you would like to enjoy your iced latte in, save castles you’d like to visit with your loved ones, and remember each dish you’ve seen before on Instagram, Snapchat or TikTok and would like to try on your next trip. Share these with your travel buddies and collect must-visit places together to ensure your trip is a success. 

Travel capturing: upload your favorite memories during and after your trip and share them with your family and friends (or keep them private ;) ) Let your loved ones be a part of your memories, tell them what you loved about each place, and if they should save it to their bucket list for when they visit. The best part? When you find yourself back at home, you can reminisce about each trip you’ve taken. 

While planning and capturing are the main highlights of each trip, use Lindygo to fill out your world map - pin places you have visited and the ones that are still on your list to be crossed off. 

Download the app now

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